Informazioni principali |
Nome |
Questa location è promossa da Location Eventi Milano |
Codice |
Tipo |
Loft |
Zona |
San Siro, Baggio |
Indirizzo |
San Siro, Baggio |
Telefono |
82327829287 |
Email |
| |
Web |
scheda_loc.php?id=4408 |
Metratura |
Fino a 1500 Mq |
Sale |
Capienza |
Fino a 601 persone in piedi |
Capienza |
Fino a 550persone a Teatro |
Fino a 100persone a Banchetto |
Fino a 601persone in piendi |
Capienza delle singole stanze |
Descrizione |
I´m lucky to have found the web blog, it´s really the thing my friends and I have been hoping for. The specifics on this web site is definitely needed and is going to help me a bunch. It seems like everyone gained a significant amount of specifics about subjects on the site and other pages and information like wise show it. Typically i´m not on the web when I am busy however when I get a chance i´m more often than not hunting for this type of knowledge or things closely having to do with it. When you get a chance take a look at my site [url=]furminator treatment[/url] |
Altre Informazioni |
Potenza Elettrica |
LonnieLOP Kw |
Come raggiungerci |
I´m lucky to have found the web blog, it´s really the thing my friends and I have been hoping for. The specifics on this web site is definitely needed and is going to help me a bunch. It seems like everyone gained a significant amount of specifics about subjects on the site and other pages and information like wise show it. Typically i´m not on the web when I am busy however when I get a chance i´m more often than not hunting for this type of knowledge or things closely having to do with it. When you get a chance take a look at my site [url=]furminator treatment[/url] |
Parcheggi disponibili |
I´m lucky to have found the web blog, it´s really the thing my friends and I have been hoping for. The specifics on this web site is definitely needed and is going to help me a bunch. It seems like everyone gained a significant amount of specifics about subjects on the site and other pages and information like wise show it. Typically i´m not on the web when I am busy however when I get a chance i´m more often than not hunting for this type of knowledge or things closely having to do with it. When you get a chance take a look at my site [url=]furminator treatment[/url] |
Altre note |
I´m lucky to have found the web blog, it´s really the thing my friends and I have been hoping for. The specifics on this web site is definitely needed and is going to help me a bunch. It seems like everyone gained a significant amount of specifics about subjects on the site and other pages and information like wise show it. Typically i´m not on the web when I am busy however when I get a chance i´m more often than not hunting for this type of knowledge or things closely having to do with it. When you get a chance take a look at my site [url=]furminator treatment[/url] |
Costi |
giornata intera |
€ |
½ giornata |
€ |
Giorno allestimento |
€ |
Giorno disallestimento |
€ |